Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Weekend

This weekend was such a great weekend. Mom came in town and we went to the Beth Moore Simulcast at the church that I have been attending the past few months. It was SO great! We both learned alot. I really enjoyed being with Mom and this was the first time that I saw Beth Moore "Live" and I love Her!

Here is a picture of me and Mom before the Simulcast Friday Night

Saturday afternoon Mom went home and I just hungout with some friends.

Jen's Co-Worker Estee invited us to Friends and Family day at her church. We went there this morning. It was followed by a yummy covered dish lunch.

Our Advisor in Zeta has this great chair that everytime I go to her house I tell her how much I love this chair. Today she called and said she was getting rid of the chair, Did I want this Chair? HECK YEA! I went to go get it... Do yall love it? I think that chair will look great in my next apartment/trailer (Wherever I might be.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I saw Beth Moore live in New Orleans a few months back and LOVED her!!!